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Planning Board Minutes 04/07/2005

(603) 798-4350

APRIL 7, 2005

PRESENT: Chairman Tracy Scott, Joanna McIntosh, Mike Stamowlaros, Richard DeBold, Stan Brehm, Brad Towle, Tom Jameson, and Secretary Andrea Deachman

Chairman Scott introduced the Board, and stated that all members present will be voting, and requested they review the minutes of March 3, 2005, changes were made to the minutes as follows:

Page 2, under Coffey Design Review Last sentence remove “5 acres of” and add “the minimum” Page 3, Second Hearing for Smith should read “Public Hearing”. Page 4, under Austin Discussion, add new sentence after the first sentence. “ No additional units are being added, but a new structure is being added,” Page 5, after Austin Discussion is complete place “New Business” to make it clear where the new discussions begin. Add Meeting adjourned at 10:55 pm to the end of the minutes.

Motion to accept the minutes with the above changes.

                McIntosh/Stamowlaros                    (Passed)

DESIGN REVIEW:                                  Richard & Dorothy Mackin
                                                        Map 7, Lot 9-2, Ferrin Road
Continue From March 2005

Abutters present: David Dobbson, Robert & Kathy Gagne

Dennis Rialland presented the Board with plans for this subdivision, the Soil Scientist has placed her stamp on the plan with explanation of the soils. The first lot with the present home will retain 5.675 acres and the new lot will consist of 6.380 acres. A driveway permit has been issued for the new lot and soils are shown in accordance with the Merrimack County Soil Survey of 1965. The Mackins have gone to the Board of Adjustment for a variance to the buildable soils required by the Board a variance has been granted.

Abutters were asked if they had a chance to review the project and if so did they have any questions, there were no further questions.

Design Review closed.


PUBLIC HEARING:                                 Richard & Dorothy Mackin
                                                        Map 7, Lot 9-2, Ferrin Road
Continued from March 2005

Abutters present: David Dobbson, Robert & Kathy Gagne

There being no further discussion on this project a motion was made to accept the subdivision as proposed with the variance.

                DeBold/Jameson                  (Passed)

DESIGN REVIEW:                                  Carl Mahlstedt/Goosebay Lumber
                                Site Review –  2 New Storage Areas
                                                        Map 4, Lot 157, Dover Road
No abutters were present.

Mr. Mahlstedt presented the Board with plans for the two new storage areas to be added to the existing buildings.  The front building will have an additional storage area of 36 feet by 60 feet and the back building will have an additional storage area of 22 feet by 60 feet. Both additions will have the same roof line as the existing buildings.

The Board was in agreement that the septic system needs to be on the plan along with the corrections to the following road names. Cross Road should be Smith Sanborn and Towle should be King Road. The Signature block to be changed to date not approved at meeting.

Design Review closed.

PUBLIC HEARING:                                 Carl Mahlstedt/Goosebay Lumber
                                                        Site Review – 2 New Storage Areas
                                                        Map 4, Lot 157, Dover Road
No abutters were present.

There being no further discussion on this project a motion was made to accept the site review with changes.

                        Brehm/Towle                             (Passed)

PUBLIC HEARING:                                 Joe Austin
                                                        Site Review -   Removing one Unit
from existing building, and adding a new building
Abutter present: Shirley Waters                 Map 3, Lot 68, Dover Road

Mr. Austin presented the Board with new plans for the project, Mr. Austin would like to remove one of the units from the existing building and add a new building on the lot. The concerns and questions were about the septic and wells and with the change would they change, Mr. Austin assured the Board that even with the change the same septic and well would provide services to the new building.

Motion was made to continue until May and have the town engineer review, and recalculate the land concerned and show support. $250.00 needs to be put in escrow. Mr. Austin will deliver plans and money to the Planning Secretary.

                Brehm/McIntosh                  (Passed)

DISCUSSION:                             Sarah Baas/Jay Baas Property
                                                Transform Barn to Living Apartment
                                                Map 8, Lot 4, Depot Road

The lot is 1.5 acres with part in Commercial Zone and part in Wetlands according to the town maps. The Baas’ would like to add a kitchen and bathroom to the barn so that Jay’s daughter and future son in-law can live on the property and help with the everyday expenses and up keep. The board is concerned that the lot is too small for multi family housing. They would need to go to the Board of Adjustment for a variance to the zoning requirements.

Letter to be sent to the Board of Adjustment stating why the Planning Board could not continue.

DISCUSSION:                             Cameron Hebert
                                                Residence on property
                                                Map 3, Lot 36, Dover Road

Mr. Hebert would like to build a house on a piece of property off Dover Road that only has a 50-foot right of way. There is no frontage on a town maintained road. There is a concern about the other two lots that also are attached by the 50-foot right of way and how they will be impacted by the development of this property. The Board suggested that he create a road to town specifications that would give him road frontage. Mr. Hebert would prefer not to build a road.

The Town Attorney will be consulted about this for clarification and how this will affect the other parcels.

DISCUSSION:                             Richard & Michelle Walter
                                                In-Law Apartment above Garage
                                                Map 9, Lot 30, Martel Road

Mr. Walter would like to turn the upstairs of his garage into an In-law apartment. He has 480 feet of road frontage and 5 acres. New septic was installed in the fall of 2004 and can provide the specification for the system. The garage is attached to the house, therefore the Board was in agreement as multi-family unit meets the requirements of the zoning. Richard DeBold to contact the Building Inspector.

DISCUSSION:                             Congregational Church
                                                New Building and Parking Area
                                                Map 5, Lot 2, Main Street

Mark Vanson from TF Moran presented the Board with plans for the proposed land improvements. The Church is in desperate need of expansion and remodeling, they would like to do a two-phase construction process. They would like to build a building and three parking areas in the first phase and they are working with DOT to possibly get a second or new entrance. The existing parsonage will be removed and that driveway may be a possible entrance. They would also remove the temporary building beside the church when the new building is functional.

The Board requests fire lanes, handicapped parking, wetlands and lighting have been addressed. The Board would like to see paved parking for high traffic areas, the total required parking will depend on the size of the building and calculations. Buffers should be addressed and on the plan.

They will call when ready to continue.


DISCUSSION:                             Scott Brown/Abundant Life
                                                Site Review – Warehouse
                                                Map 3, Lot 54, Dover Road
Unable to attend, no action taken.

DISCUSSION:                             Lisa Fautaux/MTS Environmental
                                                New Use
                                                Dover Road

Lisa Fauteux of MTS Environmental addressed the Board. She received the Boards letter of concern in regards to the added materials as requested in an application to the State Department of Environmental Services (DES). Ms. Fauteux explained to the Board that MTS has always produced two types of product from the site the only change is the asphalt shingles.

The plant is monitored by wells and ground water reports are submitted annually to the state, Ms. Fauteux will forward on monitor results and permits for the Board to review. There is no burning and the hours will remain the same.

The items used to produce the recycled products are: Petroleum contaminated soils, waste oil contaminated soils, colash and asphalt shingles. DES has always monitored and will continue to do so.

A Board member asked if this product is worth putting down on town roads in Chichester, Ms. Fauteux will get back to the town on the roads.

DISCUSSION:                                     New Business

Voting results and effects for the coming year. Wetlands failed. Commercial Village was passed.

Zoning proposals – committees or one committee the Board was in agreement that forming several committees could be stressful and suggested that one committee be formed with a Planning Board member, Selectmen representative, Conservation representative, someone from the School, Fire, Police, building and other members as needed. Each item of necessity would be addressed and planned by the committee and after the committee had completed each task it would be sent to the Planning Board for discussion and review by Town officials, Central NH Regional Planning, Town Engineer or Town attorney if deemed necessary by the Planning Board. Secretary Deachman to work on forming the committee with Chairman Scott.

Being no further business motion was made to adjourn.

                Towle/Stamowlaros                       (Passed)

Meeting adjourned at 11:20 pm

                                                        Respectfully Submitted,

                                                        Tracy Scott